United States of America

"The Wrights played a crucial role in the war effort during World War II. More than 142,000 aircraft engines were manufactured at factories in and around Paterson."

"Established in 1889 by George Westinghouse, the factory manufactured air brakes for the railway industry."

"The 19-story Kodak Office Tower rises above the buildings of Eastman Kodak Company's administrative headquaters in Rochester, N.Y. The structure in the foreground is one of the buildings of the Camera Works, where Kodak cameras, projectors, and other photographic equipment are made."

"The Wrights played a crucial role in the war effort during World War II. More than 142,000 aircraft engines were manufactured at factories in and around Paterson."

"Durham was long the center of America's tobacco industry, when a farmer named Washington Duke decided to produce cigarettes."

"Located in Kentucky at the junction of the Ohio and Cumberland Rivers, TVA's Shawnee Fossil Plant has provided electricity to the region since 1953."

"Built in 1973, the factory includes a research and development center."

"Durham was long the center of America's tobacco industry, when a farmer named Washington Duke decided to produce cigarettes."

"Created in 1909 by Rock County Sugar Company, the sugar factory employed 570 people in 1935."

"In 2008, faced with the decline of the American automobile market and nearly 52 billion in losses, General Motors announced the closure of the Janesville and Moraine factory."

"The Us Steel Minntac Plant was completed in 1967. It currently produces more than 4,5 million tons of taconite pellets annually, but is being expanded to a capacity of 12 million tons."

"Created in 1909 by Rock County Sugar Company, the sugar factory employed 570 people in 1935."

"Located on a 160-acre tract near Milpitas, Californie. The new $50,000,000 plant of the Ford Motor Co produces an average of 800 Passenger Cars and Trucks daily."

"View of California homeof World's largest brewer, Anheuser-Bush inc, producers of Budweiser, Michelob and Bush Bavariab Beers. Skyrail Tour takes visitors throught plant facilities and to the spectacular 17 acre Busch Gardens (1984)."

"Located on a 160-acre tract near Milpitas, Californie. The new $50,000,000 plant of the Ford Motor Co produces an average of 800 Passenger Cars and Trucks daily."

"Magog, a tourist ans industrial centre : Magog River, Dominion Textile and Mont Oxford."

"L'usine de tioxide, filiale de Huntsman Tioxide, produisait des pigments de peinture au bioxyde de titane, le site ferme ses portes en 1993."

"L’usine Domtar de Windsor est la dernière usine de pâte et papier entièrement intégrée au Canada sur un site de près 160 000 hectares de terres forestières."

"Magog, a tourist ans industrial centre : Magog River, Dominion Textile and Mont Oxford."